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Born To Do This!


Updated: Jan 31, 2023

From the time I could hold a pencil, I was writing about farming and animals. I was born with an inherent love for animals. Any and all animals. I desperately wanted my own sheep, sea monkeys, and of course horses. Ohhhh, how I loved horses. As a tiny tot, I was a bunny whisperer. I would spend hours in the yard, practicing approach and retreat, trying to gentle wild bunnies. I could get right up next to them without them running away. It was a gift but it also entailed hard work and patience.

I loved gardening, I loved cooking and I loved crafting. All the homesteading arts were woven into my DNA at birth. I had a huge garden in the back lot where I grew everything imaginable but my specialty was popcorn. Everyone loved my homegrown popcorn. My grandfather was a gardener too. He would come over on Sunday afternoons and we would compare the bounty of our harvests competitively. We always had a contest for the largest zucchini, and he always won!

I went to sleep at night listening to the rhythm of my rock tumbler, sometimes nestled close with a baby bunny in my bed. I had a miniature pottery wheel; an easy bake oven and our bathroom housed an incubator for our chickens’ eggs. I was always at my happiest, when I could be surrounded by nature and animals.

So I guess it’s not much of a surprise that I ended up with lots of animals and a begging desire to do culinary and homesteading arts. God makes us all special in our own individual ways. The world may confuse us at times about who we are and may set us on wayward paths. But, if we are quiet and not willful for worldly acceptance and gain, we will find our internal compass once again. The compass that leads us to be who we were made to be. That one and only person that will ever be. Don’t deprive yourself or the world from experiencing that person!

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